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AI Consultant

Job Description

The product quality, the customer satisfaction and our team’s professionalism make the difference. With the aim to deliver our highly visible projects, we are looking for smart, collaborative, enthusiastic and well-organized professionals who are willing to take an active part in a sustainable, long-term product venture with a start-up mindset. We are looking for an AI Consultant.   

An AI Consultant helps organizations leverage AI and machine learning (ML) to achieve their business goals. This role combines technical expertise with strategic insight to assess client needs, recommend AI solutions, and oversee their implementation. 


  • Minimun of 5 years of consulting experience.
  • Degree in Business Administration and Management.
  • High level of written and spoken English. 


What We Offer

A professional and multicultural work environment, where you will collaborate with professionals from all around the world.

✔ An organized company structure with years of industry experience, allowing our team to benefit from our expertise.
✔ All necessary equipment provided.
✔ Permanent contract.
✔ Flexible working hours.
✔ Flexible benefits package (health insurance, meal vouchers, childcare vouchers).
✔ 24 vacation days + December 24th and 31st as company-designated non-working days.
✔ 1 additional vacation day every two years.

Perfil Senior
Modalidad Remote
Ubicación Spain


Comparte tu talento con nosotros y forma parte de un equipo innovador. Completa el formulario para dar el siguiente paso hacia una carrera llena de crecimiento, desafíos y nuevas oportunidades.

Máximo 1 fichero.
límite de 100 MB.
Tipos permitidos: pdf, doc, docx.
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